Written on Aug 25, 2013
I will admit that this does give a good insight into the life of a paramedic but I spent a good proportion of the book wanting to give the author a serious shaking.
He comes across as incredibly arrogant and unprofessional, making comments about the patients he sees which would be inappropriate within a conversation between crews, let alone published for the whole world to see.
While quite a bit of what he wrote made me see red, there was one bit in particular which had my blood boiling instantly. At one point, after describing the death of an infant, he implies that people who are affected by the death of a patient, are weak. That is as far from the truth as possible and will make people feel horrendous if they are affected by something. So, as an aside to the review, please note.... if you experience something like that which affects you, it doesn't matter what it is, you are NOT weak for feeling that way.
Sorry. I'm going to end the review there as otherwise it will probably turn into the rant. In summary, it's a good idea as to what people in the pre-hospital care environment deal with but most are much more professional than this author.