Baroness Book Trove
Written on Feb 11, 2018
We jump between the two worlds a lot which is completely fine since it helps to understand the reality of the second world and to see with what is happening on Earth between Rainart, Zigmund, and Zerah. I am mostly sad about this book not holding up to my expectations is that it left a lot of questions not answered to me. I mean we find out a lot of information on some things but on some of them. I’m thinking that they will be answered in the next book hopefully.
Mr. Peters introduced a lot of characters in this book which is pretty good but I think it also made it seem like there was too much going on all at once. Especially when it came to Rainart and his work on Earth. Then once you add in the people from the second world it seemed like he was overloading with a lot of characters.
The Hands of Ruin by Dylan Lee Peters is a book that I loved at some points but was unsure about in different places. This is especially true when I tried to think of the many characters, and the two worlds. I am giving this book three stars since it was good and it held my attention. I just got confused on somethings and was overwhelmed by the lots of characters being introduced all at once.
Anyways until the next time enjoy this review brought to you by
Baroness’ Book Trove.
I received this book for free from the author in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.
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