Written on Jan 17, 2021
- Don’t spit on the sidewalk.
- Keep your word.
- At funerals, a dark suit is fine. You shouldn’t own a black one.
- Never side against your brother in a fight.
- Be a strong swimmer, especially in the ocean.
- Surround yourself with smart people.
- Don’t be a snob.
- If the teacher forgets to assign homework, keep quiet.
- Know her dress size. Don’t ask.
- Make sure your clothes fit properly.
- Call your mom.
- If you have the right of way, take it.
- When it comes to opening presents, no one likes a good guesser.
- Never under any circumstances ask a woman if she is pregnant.
- Offer your date the seat with the best view of the restaurant.
- Become an expert in something.
Hasta las absurdas, incorrectas o claramente opinables
- Ride in the front car of a roller coaster. -- las cuestas son mucho mejores en el último vagón, no en el primero.
Men with facial hair have something to hide. -- todos y cada uno de ellos, undoubtedly.
- Men should not wear sandals. Ever. -- y lo dice un pavo que confiesa no usar calcetines nunca. Vamos, anda, tira.
- A T-shirt is neither a philosophy nor an advertisement. It’s a shirt. Wear it plain.
- Live in New York + Limit your time in California. -- Aquí hay claramente algo edípico
- Never eat the same meal twice in a row. -- Éste no sabe lo del cocido y la ropavieja
- Sleep with the window open. -- ???
- Finish what you start, especially books. -- Precisamente los libros son un mal ejemplo.
Hay más. En conjunto es una lectura entretenida que más que aportar conocimiento nos lo recuerda. Donde sí aporta conocimiento es en la sección "fobias del autor", pero es conocimiento muy poco útil y nada interesante.