Written on Feb 7, 2022
Microsoft Word In 30 Minutes is a short general subject guide in a series of guides for a broad range of topics such as Word, LinkedIn, crowdfunding, homebuying, excel, and various others. Originally released in 2016, this reformat and updated 3rd edition was released 27th Jan 2022. It's 104 pages and is available in hardcover, paperback, and ebook formats. lable in hardback, and ebook formats,with a paperback edition out in Feb 2022. It's worth noting that the ebook format has a handy interactive table of contents as well as interactive links and references throughout. I've really become enamored of ebooks with interactive formats lately; it makes it so easy to find information with the search function. The interactive format in this case rendered the read much more accessible and comprehensible for me. Special concepts and references are hyperlinked in the text making it simple to click back and forth without losing one's place.
Virtually everyone of school age or older has at least some familiarity with Microsoft's proprietary word processing software interface. We've all written papers or other documents on it. Some more adventurous users have created invitations or greeting cards. There are many other uses to streamline writing and give documents a more professional finish as well as time-saving shortcuts which rarely, if ever, get used. The author expertly details a number of useful tips and tricks to help readers gain expertise and facility with Word.
The book is short, but information dense. Chapters are arranged thematically: interface basics, creating saving & printing, formatting layout & design, inserting images tables & other elements, and review & collaboration. The subchapters contain step by step screenshots and directions to understand and utilize specific techniques. The text is written in simple accessible language to minimize frustration and maximize efficiency. There are bullet lists with step by step instructions as well as clear inset graphics and tables showing relevant screen shots (helpful!!).
The author has also included relevant useful appendices with universal shortcuts and system specific shortcuts for windows and Mac OS. I wish I'd had this handbook when I wrote my thesis; it would have saved me some frustration and tears.
Four stars. There will be some information which is already familiar to readers, but very few readers will know all of the info included here. I also liked that the author presupposes no familiarity with the program already - rendering this a very good guide for beginners.
Disclosure: I received an ARC at no cost from the author/publisher for review purposes.