Written on Jul 29, 2018
Heirloom Vegetable Gardening is an updating and re-release of the classic reference book by William Woys Weaver. Originally published in 1997, this second edition has been updated with many new photographs, new content, and a new introduction. Republished by Quarto - Cool Springs and released 20 March, 2018, it's 480 pages of well written advice and information very well presented. The author, William Woys Weaver, is a genuine expert whose love of plant diversity and heirlooms shines through in the warm and well written prose.
This is a great reference book, but along with the clear instructions and culture information comes a wealth of side-stories, history, and trivia. The book is beautifully written and the author manages to convey his lifelong love and respect of plants without being strident or fanatical.
I have a copy of the first edition of this book and have worn it out. I treasure it because it still has margin notes and clippings from my paternal grandmother inside.
Genetic diversity in our plants and especially in our food cannot be overstated. It's absolutely critical that we reclaim and preserve the varieties which still exist. In the last 80 years, we've lost approximately 93% of our vegetable varieties. It's scary and sad, and luckily there are dedicated folks making an effort to protect our heritage.
I don't know anyone who can really look at this graphic and not be terrified.
Dr. Weaver continues the good fight. This book is informative, engaging and vital.
Five stars, honestly off the scale in terms of accessibility, correctness, information, and importance.
Disclosure: I received an ARC at no cost from the author/publisher for review purposes