Written on Jun 9, 2014
In the back of the book the author leaves a reader note telling how Barnabus and Mary Horton are actually her ancestors and gives a bit of information on her research and things she discovered. To me, as a genealogist, this is fascinating and truly gives me hope for future writing from Rebecca DeMarino and other stories she might write. As for this book, not so much.
A Place in His Heart was a horribly sad story. It was depressing and bitter and frankly there was not much will to live for anyone through out the entire story. All the characters need a good dose of B and D vitamins as well as a slap in the face. Before you see my two star rating and cringe, please know according to Goodreads, where I review and rate most of my books, two stars is listed as "It was Ok". It was okay, mostly.
The characters are interesting. The writing IS GREAT, and the story comes off the page. It is just absolutely miserable. There are not enough happy moments put within the sad to give anyone a reason to go on. I've read happier war-time novels and Oregon-trail tragedies than this one. Starting in a London hamlet, and venturing to the New England shoreline there is bound to be sadness and hardship for the people involved, but there has to be some hint of joy as well outside of just words and the repeating verbal promise that God will provide.
Mary is a neat character and it is interesting to watch her change, but so much it is not the growth that you find in a woman from a time of old, but the falling apart of herself and she just sorta exists, because there is nothing else to do and I find that to be sad. But the absolute worst part is Barnabus. At first I had so much hope for this character, but frankly I find lots of explicative in my terminology for him. To put it in kind terms, he's a complete jerk and fully oblivious. (I want to read more about Jeremy, because I think he has some great hero qualities.) Shortening the name to Barney, just about did me in, but alas, personal preference. As a person he's mean and has no heart much less to be entitled to cold-hearted. He suffered a loss, but it was during a time that was hard anyway and not nearly uncommon, so his misery infecting everyone for more than fifteen years or so should have labeled him as a hermit and man of malice rather than the kind-hearted outgoing baker than a town thrives upon. He just cannot be both.
The split in romance to go from nothing to something was bizarre and didn't fit. I know my review is completely cranky, but I am truly surprised by everything. The absolute statements of God WILL give us a child if we do as he says, was misleading and not accurate in history and really painful to tell a woman who may or may not be dealing with infertility. God will give you a child if he means for you to have a child, he might have other plans in mind for you and the constant harping otherwise is cruel.
I've read other reviews out there that are over the top positive and I just wonder if we read the same book. I've read books in the past that were miserably depressing, but the thing was that they had hope within the pages. You cannot just pile on the misery and call it an interesting historical read. There has to be something for the characters to live for. Books like [b:A Constant Heart|2873007|A Constant Heart|Siri Mitchell|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1348171878l/2873007._SY75_.jpg|2899170] is really a split manner, the historical aspects are great and the writing is great, but if I were to rate the book solely upon my enjoyment and escape into it's historical aspects, it does not succeed.
I received this product free for the purpose of reviewing it. I received no other compensation for this review. The opinions expressed in this review are my personal, honest opinions. Your experience may vary. Please read my full disclosure policy for more details.
posted: http://creativemadnessmama.com/blog/2014/06/09/a-place-in-his-heart/