Stephanie Plum has a way of attracting danger, lunatics, oddballs, bad luck ... and mystery men. And no one is more mysterious than the unmentionable Diesel. He's back and hot on the trail of a little man in green pants who's lost a giant bag of money.
Problem is the money isn't exactly lost. Stephanie's Grandma Mazur has found it, and like any good Jersey senior citizen she's high-tailed it in a Winnebago to Atlantic City and hit the slots.
With Lula and Connie in tow, Stephanie attempts to bring Grandma home. But the luck of the Irish is rubbing off on everyone. Lula's found a job modeling plus size lingerie, Connie's found a guy, Diesel's found Stephanie. And Stephanie has found herself in way over her head ...
- ISBN10 0141012579
- ISBN13 9780141012575
- Publish Date 5 February 2009 (first published 8 January 2008)
- Publish Status Active
- Publish Country GB
- Imprint Penguin Books Ltd
- Format Paperback (B-Format (198x129 mm))
- Pages 176
- Language English

Written on Jul 25, 2019

Written on Jun 21, 2008
What I like most about these books is the blatant absurdity. Everything is just a touch over-the-top, and that’s what really makes this series. Stephanie just can’t help the crazy things that happen to her, and as time goes on she accepts it just a little bit more. It could have used a little more Ranger, but couldn’t *every* book use a little more Ranger? It’s no great work of literature, but I was thoroughly entertained, and that’s all that matters.