Written on Dec 4, 2016
At the beginning of the book Debby says to her readers that, "I want to inspire you to uncover your untold story...remove your mask and STAND Up to your Power. Stand up for your heart, your health, and your happiness." This whole book had a very positive message about how to make your life better regardless of what has happened to you.
Debby had many hard things happen in her life including losing her husband when he died young, and then falling in love with someone online who turned out to be a scammer who robbed her of a huge amount of money. Either of these things would have crushed most people, but Debby showed her bravery by being honest about her experiences and now tells her story to help others.
"I want to learn to be FINE...Fulfilled, Inspired, Naturally beautiful and Exceptional. But many times FINE means something less than fine." This thought in the book hit me with a punch. I always tell people I am "Fine" and give a big smile. This book is about how to not let our fears and insecurities rule our lives, but make changes that will empower us. It also gives many great tips of how to be aware of who you interact with while online. It's easy to hide who you really are from others, especially online. Debby tells her story to inform others how to stay safe from possible scammers that are out there. For those of us that are single I read carefully the tips she gave throughout the book.
I've met Debby in real life and she is an amazing lady. She is very inspiring, as is her book. This book while speaking of things that could have been total roadblocks in her life, stays positive and leaves the reader with hope amidst life's struggles. I hope people will read this and feel as uplifted and truly learn to be FINE and wear true smiles of happiness.