Written on Dec 9, 2011
Personally, I think that both "The Husband Project" and "The Marriage Project" are fabulous ideas and will be so helpful to so many. (I'm sure my next door neighbor will love it as she leads her marriage groups at church). But for me they books that I cannot live out to the fullest, because that community support is just not there. I can pick parts of the ideas from the book out and work things through a bit with my Enginerd. Yet the fullest parts are not available.
There is nothing more that I want in life right now than to have that community, but we just cannot find it. I have not given up hope yet though. We keep trying. And until we do find it, we make do.
So why go through "The Marriage Project" if you're the only one doing it? Because it's not just for your spouse, it's for you and your marriage. Plus, it's an act of worship. Every act of obedience is an act of worship. ... This isn't just about what "we" can do in our marriages. It's about what "God" can do when we obey, even when it doesn't seem to make a difference.
After starting the book and feeling down about not having a "community support". Reading this makes me realize that if I pursue the project that it can be done. It would just be "better" with more. I know these phrases are hinting toward a spouse that is not interested in participating in the project, but it means more to me than that.
The biggest suggestion I have to people who feel overwhelmed or insufficient for participating in "The Marriage Project" is to read chapter ten before completely saying, no thanks. You might just change your perspective. I really did not think that this was something I could do or even slightly handle. Yet I could not put down the book, the pages kept turning. The chapters are short and the projects do-able. Kathi's words are so personable and inviting, not to mention humorous that I am eager to read what is next. This really turned from something that I assumed would be painful into an incredible learning and growing experience.
I highly recommend it. Now... I just need to go back and find my copy of "The Husband Project"... I think I need a revamp...
***Special thanks to Kathi Lipp for sending me a review copy.***