Written on Dec 13, 2013
Oh, what a gem this book is! I'm ordering a copy first thing January 5th. 592 pages of high quality children's poetry from 19th century America. Who knew there was so much out there?! The introduction is a brief but fascinating look into how we define "children's poetry," the advent of children's publishing, and the various ways in which children find poetry relevant to their lives.
Over the River and Through the Wood is cleverly organized by topic: TWENTY of them, in fact. Talk about an educator's dream! Topics range from "Creepy Crawlies" and "Landscapes and Seasons" to "Learning Lessons" and "Politics and Social Reform," as well as anything and everything in between. There's even a section for nonsense poems. I'm already chock full of ideas for incorporating some of these into our homeschooling days.
My 4-year-old has already found a new favorite. She's had me read aloud Eliza Lee Cabot Follen's "The Three Little Kittens" more times than I can count!
The poems are diverse in every possible way, faithfully representing our country as a "melting pot." You'll find familiar and not-so-familiar poems by beloved writers such as Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Sarah Orne Jewett, and Emily Dickinson, as well as be introduced to a vast number of poems and writers you may have never heard of. Truly, this collection is a gold mine.