Written on Nov 11, 2014
And I'm annoyed by that.
The writing/story/plot:
Nick Spencer has done a crazy good job at keeping the mystery going with TRUANTS. And, while I'm irritated that I have no idea what is going on, and that nothing has been answered, and I now have even more questions about this story, still he's doing a good job at keeping me hooked. So, yay for him. But seriously, I'm hoping for some answers soon.
We see a lot of backstories in this, and a couple of them have shed light on some character personalities, but the plot itself and what this school is all about and why the students are there, still a mystery. I still have no clue what these children's gifts are, or why the Headmaster wants them. I just want the why question answered. Or the what. Or the who. Something answered soon would be great.
What's up with the time traveling?
Why is Casey still the main heroine?
What's Jade's role because I think she's more important than what's been shown?
Who/what is David?
The hell is going on at this school?
Is Lara a good guy?
Is Abraham a good guy?
...Is Georgina...a good guy? Is she the Snape of this story?
I have more questions, but you get the point: nothing's being answered as of this volume. I just get to keep adding questions to the list of what I hope gets answered.
The characters:
In addition to hearing more about Ike and his daddy issues with Abraham, we meet six other students. They're friends of Hisao (Jun)'s and had been brought to the school a year earlier. There's the sadistic psycho in charge - Irina. You should never put that type of crazy in charge of anything.
Then there's Akiko and Fortunato. We don't see that much of them but some backstory, but what they do do, is pretty intriguing, and it involves David, so I wanted to know more. Hope to see what that was all about soon.
Also in this new group are Ian and Vanessa, who seem to just be followers of Irina's but I'm hoping they get more developed soon.
And then finally, there's Guillaume. Hisao and his story is really good, personal, but good, and I'm hoping to see more of them together. Although, with the drama near the end of the volume, I don't know if it will be possible.
Other than Ike and a little bit of Jade, Hisao and Hunter got some playtime in this story, but Zoe was of course absent and so was Casey. I'm assuming we'll see more of Casey in Volume 5, because she definitely does still seem to be the main heroine, and the one that will end up saving them all. I'm assuming that she's going to be the one to face off against the Headmaster in the final boss battle.
The other backstories in TRUANTS were for two of the teachers - Lara and Georgina. They're the Headmaster's daughters, and we see why they are the way they are. I think it was to try to get the reader to sympathize (especially for Georgina), but I didn't care.
Overall, I want answers. I'm liking the characters well enough at this point, but with pretty much nothing getting answered, it's just kind of annoying. I'm going to keep reading, but I'm really hoping for something to start tying this story together for me.