From Scotland With Love is a cute, forty-minute read, perfect for the cold Wintery nights. It begins with Daisy arriving in Scotland to get author Rory McAllan to sign some bookplates since she messed up his last book signing rather spectacularly. She thinks she’ll pop in, get him to sign the bookplates and be on her way back to London within the hour, but the weather has other ideas, and she ends up snowed in at Rory’s little cottage. The last thing she expects is that she’s going to spend her New Years’ Eve birthing puppies, but she may just enjoy it a lot more than she expects….
I really enjoyed From Scotland With Love, Katie really excells with her Christmas short stories, they’re short, sweet and always satisfying. I loved the setting, loved the Daisy/Rory chemistry, I loved Griselda the dog. It was just such a lovely read, there’s not a lot you can say for such a short read, but this was delightful and I did sort of wish it was full-length (that’s always the case – I always want more!). Katie is just such an accomplished storyteller and I just wanted to go and buy my own little cottage in Scotland and spend my days reading and watching the beautiful scenery, that would be my idea of heaven! Bravo, Katie, thank you for yet another lovely, Christmassy read! I eagerly await next year’s offering!