The third colorful and imaginative installment in the illustrated amigurumi series, following Ami Ami Dogs and Ami Ami Dogs 2. Amigurumi, which translates to knitted stuffed toy in Japanese, is the art of crocheting cute stuffed animals with large heads and small bodies. Ami Ami Kittens is packed with projects for all crochet lovers offering them directions and inspiration for creating a range of fun and irresistible yarn kittens. Detailed, easy-to-follow instructions, illustrations, and enchanting color photographs teach them how to create these super adorable felines of various breeds and types, including Tabby, Pointed, Black/White Solid, Black and White, Calico, Scottish Fold, Siamese, Russian Blue, Munchkin, Maine Coon, British Shorthair, and American Shorthair. Here, too, are instructions for transforming them into key chains, finger puppets, and magnets. Ami Ami Kittens covers a wide range of techniques, from basic crochet skills perfect for beginners to more challenging patterns for experts, and offers spiral methods to ensure that the stuffing stays inside the finished piece.
Filled with pretty, fun, and irresistibly adorable young cats, Ami Ami Kittens provides hours of fun for every knitter-and cat lovers, too.
- ISBN10 0062416510
- ISBN13 9780062416513
- Publish Date 7 April 2016 (first published 1 March 2016)
- Publish Status Out of Stock
- Out of Print 24 July 2023
- Publish Country US
- Imprint Harper Design
- Format Paperback
- Pages 72
- Language English