All jokes aside, it was fascinating seeing Nick's story unravel. And I'm pleased that, for once, while Nick did have some things to be guilty for, they weren't despicably awful, he wasn't irredeemable. And I liked that Grace was willing to fight for Nick, and was the main one pushing the investigation into where he had gone. The addition of Anna as a character was fascinating, it took me longer than I'd like to admit to figure out who she really was, but it was super satisfying to be all *Pikachu face* when I realised.
This was honestly a fabulous read. It was super quick and easy, very enjoyable to come back to after a few days and slip back in to the story. I found myself liking Grace and Nick, Toffee and Lottie, but genuinely struggled with the rest of them, because they were all hiding unnecessary things for their own benefits. I couldn't stand Cora, Nick's mother, she properly needed bringing down a peg or two!
I'm very excited to dive into Emma's other novels. She's a fabulous thriller writer and I'm chuffed to have two of her other books to dive into, before her fourth is released soon!