Written on Oct 18, 2014
A Love for All Time by Chloe Douglas and I had a hard start from the beginning. The opening contains a violent situation and the main character blames video game violence for the actions of the criminal. That is an entirely different topic and I'm not going to go into it in a review. Anyway, I fully did not expect to enjoy this book expect to enjoy this book but I persevered. It really paid off to set my differences aside and continue with the story.
First of all, I almost feel like the story was designed to my tastes. There was time travel, a missing sister to find, and Jack the freaking Ripper. I know that sounds like an awful lot to keep straight but Douglas does a good job of keeping it easy to follow and I never felt overwhelmed. Did I mention that the time travel was unwilling time travel?
I really enjoyed Mick and Letitia having to overcome their initial (and understandable) animosity. I suppose you could say this was an enemy to lover trope but the story felt like so much more than that. I really enjoyed the twists and turns that Douglas added to her story.
I will say that I had some issues with the story but it wasn't enough to make me feel bored or not enjoy the book. There was the aforementioned video game violence and I also guessed who Jack the Ripper might actually end up being and I was right.
I do want to mention that the ending to A Love for All Time may not appeal to everyone. It's not your typical happily every after. It is a happily ever after and it worked for me. I even pre-ordered Douglas's second book in the series Our Time is Now. (It's actually available now when this post goes live!) I really enjoyed A Love for All Time and I'm anxious to get to the second book!