FYI: Bigotry, Slurs, Hate Crimes, Rape threats and attempt, Japanese stereotypes, brief mentions of the song "Rape Me".
Aberdeen reminds me SO MUCH of where I grew up in Michigan with closed mills and factories. With Fran's experiences not fitting in with other girl's questions about crushes really hit home for me too. I just started picking the lead singers of the boy bands and going with the flow. If I'd had this book growing up, I would've def. realized some things that I'm still working through a lot earlier.
Some More Good Stuff:
- Goodwill - I'm literally writing this after getting home from a shopping trip there with my daughter. We found some great stuff like a $10 dress (with pockets!), 13 bucks for brand new Calvin Klein work pants, and pair of tennis shoes. Of course, selection is based off donations, which depends on the neighborhood. Living a big city now gives way more options than small communities.
- Food banks - I've had to use these so often as a teen and young mom. Calling them life savers is an understatement. Of course, there's some people that resist going because they're embarrassed and don't want to admit they need help. My dad has that in common with Fran's mom, which is why I didn't even know about them until I was on my own.
- Fran's a photography nerd. Adorable. Talented. 3
- Nikki, Fran's BFF - Her POV is interesting. She does say, like stuff, a lot. It faded into the background for me and just became part of Nikki. I love how she's loud and combative and headstrong and plays soccer and dives into things wholeheartedly and half-throughout. She doesn't worry about Fran's gayness at all. She is a bit obtuse about the income disparity between them though.
- Found Families - Fran has Nikki's family, and the Garcia's and her road trip crew and some supportive teachers. So many d'awwww moments.
- Writing celebrities is tricky and dangerous, it can go bad very quickly. This time? I researched to see if it was based on a true story. I'd love to hear how Oaksmith researched and pulled it off. Like, did she talk to Grohl about the book?! (Okay, Krist was so background but he seems like that kinda guy I guess?)
- Paul, Nikki's Crush - He's adorable in a stupid boy boyscout kinda way. His POV is sometimes gross, but always needed. The dynamic wouldn't be the same and I doubt readers would forgive and understand without it.
- The m/f romance got the most space, but maybe it was for the best given other issues....
- Road Trip - OMG that dynamic was dramatic and the problems funny/not-funny. If you find yourself bored, tired of Aberdeen or need some forward movement, this part makes it allllll worth it.
- Nirvana Concert. Nuff' said.
- Realistic, happyish, hopeful ending.
The Biggest Drawbacks:
- There's only one thing that kinda derails the road trip plot -- I thought Mike got the tickets so Nikki's whole plan doesn't make any sense.?
- Allison and her family, well her mom anyways since we never see the dad, are such stereotypes. While Allison and Fran joke about it, pointing it out, that doesn't solve anything. We didn't even find out what Allison was doodling all the time.
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This review was originally posted on The Layaway Dragon