Written on Dec 19, 2016
If you read the blurb, you would think this is all about Lana and Toby. In reality, this book is mostly about Lana and her friends. Toby is important, in that, he serves as a catalyst for what Lana ultimately discovers about herself, but I don't know about the whole "secret" angle.
What I liked:
I really liked the friendship that existed between Lana, Bennett, and Ashlyn. This trio of life long friends have been there for each other as part of the "single ladies" club (all are being raised by single "moms"). I liked the dynamic between the three, and wished there had been more focus there.
What I didn't like:
Some things seemed a little forced. The whole "I am poor" angle got a little old, and did not seem that vital to the story (in my opinion). I also felt like Sparling was hinting at something with Toby, but never came out and committed to it. Honestly, in the end, Toby's storyline was inconsequential to the entire point of the journey, so I was ok with how she presented his "issues".
Overall: Cute, quick read, with lots of filial love.