In a world where humans and gods coexist, Arata is a member of the important Hime clan. One day, he winds up switching places with Arata Hinohara, his counterpart in the modern world. As Arata of the Hime acclimates to the life of a high school student, Hinohara sets out on a life-changing journey in an unfamiliar land...
The Shinsho Kitsutsune, Arata Hinohara's most daunting foe so far, has stolen the hearing of everyone but Arata himself. Bad as this is, it's made worse when Arata learns that music may be the weapon that can defeat his enemy. Arata and his allies work through this problem and manage to launch an effective assault on Kitsutsune, only to have nature violently intervene and force Arata to act to save lives and face the very real prospect of losing the battle!
- ISBN10 1421558769
- ISBN13 9781421558769
- Publish Date 10 April 2014
- Publish Status Active
- Publish Country US
- Imprint Viz Media, Subs. of Shogakukan Inc
- Format Paperback (US Trade)
- Pages 192
- Language English