Written on Apr 22, 2018
Laurel wanted a position at her father's firm, because she missed him. She thought, if they worked together, they would have the drive into the city and back, and perhaps a lunch date here and there, to reconnect. She was looking to renew the bond between them, and that just tugged on my heartstrings. I liked Laurel's family a lot, and you could tell they shared a tremendous affection for each other. This was her attempt to cram some family time into this last year before she left for college, and I thought that was fantastic.
I am also a fan of the friendship that developed between the interns. It was not an easy road to friend status, but it's amazing how fast people can bond, when faced with adversary. Brown gave us a diverse cast of interns, who came from very different backgrounds, and had very different interests from each other. I liked that they could see past their differences and find common ground. At one point, the author puts them in a Breakfast Club-esque situation, and even has the characters discussing who's who from the film. The scene was quite amusing, and among one of my favorites.
I always enjoy Entangled books, but I have certain expectations when it comes to their books. I read them for the feel-good romances. And yes, this book was feel-good and had a romance, but there was not enough of it. What a shame too, because I loved the romance Roberts set up, and would loved to have seen more of it.
If you want to get your nerd on, look no further. Laurel and her dad were HUGE Star Wars fans. In the beginning of the book, I was worried, because I felt bombarded by the references, but it did ease up as the story started moving ahead, and I will admit, I smiled the entire time we were at Comic Con.
Overall: A delightful story of family and friendship, sprinkled with a romance, which left me in a feel-good way.
*ARC provided in exchange for an honest review.