Written on Aug 21, 2009
Hope is one of those characters who grates on your nerves. She happens to do the most ignorant things and get into the most compromising situations and you just want to wash your hands of her. This story of the "Blue Enchantress" is the telling of Hope and how she can have a future if she reaches for it. This is one of those stories where a reader can really relate to Hope and her situation. Who among us has not done something in their past that they felt was unforgivable and that they were too terrible for God to really love. Through out the pages of this pirate adventure, many characters are brought together and show the various elements of realistic people. The missionary, the average Christian male, the pompous jerk with an authority position, and the broken woman and more.
It is a reminder and a vivid picture of how each person we come in contact with changes us, as we do to them as well. Some for the good, some for the bad. This is part of a trilogy, but could easily be read as a stand alone novel and enjoyed. Just as the epilogue in the first novel left you thirsting for this one, this epilogue makes you impatient for the third.
Highly recommended. One that makes you smile secretly to yourself as well as almost throw it down with angry emotion - this book is a page turner of adventure.