Written on Nov 1, 2017
When I saw a science term in the title, I jumped at the opportunity to read this book, and I was really glad I did, because this one gave me miles of smiles.
•Pro: First and foremost, this was a friends-to-more story, and I love those.
•Pro: These two had soooooo much history, ten years worth, to be exact, and Mandelski gifted us with lovely flashbacks that were meaningfully woven into the story.
•Pro: Of course I liked Nora. Any girl that in love with science will always rate high on my list.
•Pro: I was immediately cheering for Eli to succeed in his plot to win Nora's heart and get out of the friend zone. He committed some very sweet and adorable acts that had some swoon. How could I not want him to get the girl?
•Pro: Eli's friend, Koviak, actually grew on me. At first, I thought he was a total meathead, but as I saw him interact with Eli more, I realized he had a little depth, and he was a really good friend to Eli too.
•Con: I cannot say the same for Nora's friend, Abby. She sort of disappointed me.
•Pro: The "Hail Mary" plan was one of my favorite parts. It was classic and rom-com worthy. I think I almost squealed, I enjoyed it so much.
•Pro: There were a lot of great family moments. Between Nora's grandma, Eli's adorable little brother, their moms, and Eli's dad, who sort of reminded me a little of my own, I felt like Nora and Eli were in good hands with such an awesome support system.
•Pro: I am always elated to see an epilogue, but this one really made me happy. I loved the symbolic thing they did together, and that's all I am saying, because it was so sweet.
•Pro: Did I mention what a large role pie plays in this story? Yes, because "PFE - pie fixes everything".
Overall: An adorable and sweet friends-to-more story, filled with sports, science, memories, and lots of pie.
*I would like to thank the publisher for the review copy of this book.