Written on Nov 15, 2012
The artistry is very colorful and pretty, that's really the best word to describe it. I would definitely be willing to buy this for my nieces and my daughter when she's older.
The difference between the original Sweetest Story Bible and the Deluxe edition is a couple things. The content of the Bible is the same, but the cover is different - showing itself to be a deluxe edition. Then there is the audio. The Deluxe edition has a boxed set sleeve that will hold both the Bible and a cardboard sleeve that holds two CDs. One CD is the New Testament and the second CD is the Old Testament. Each CD is the content of the Sweetest Story Bible read by actress Roma Downey, known from the television show Touched by an Angel. Loving that show from my childhood I enjoy her voice and I think that she is a perfect choice for reading a girls' Bible story book. She reads through the scripture as well as the sweet words and thoughts.
This is a fantastic gift idea!
*Thanks to Zondervan for providing a copy for review.*
[bc:God's Little Princess Devotional Bible|38641|God's Little Princess Devotional Bible|Sheila Walsh|http://d.gr-assets.com/books/1348922373s/38641.jpg|38397]