Written on Nov 3, 2015
Celie is no Eliza Dolittle, but a girl who now feels trapped by her debt to Madame Tussaud. She constantly worries for Algernon and his survival while she is seemingly living the high life according to her companion. I liked Celie's character, she was determined but also learnt from her mistakes and her indecisiveness only stemmed from her feelings for Algernon. He on the other hand was nothing more than a controlling presence that used guilt to keep Celie loyal. I loathed him. He isn't the villain, but I found no redeeming qualities within his character. Algernon is manipulative and only truly cared about his own interests.
At the heart of Madame Tussaud's Apprentice is the French Revolution, where the ruling monarchy was overthrown in favour of a republic. Lasting ten long and brutal years, Kathleen Benner Duble vividly describes the Revolution for the younger audience. But it does feature brutality and the execution of the royal family, beheadings and the gruesome task of creating wax models from the vigilante murders of officials and those deemed against the rebellion. Just a gentle warning for those who are sensitive to violence.
'Words are weapons Celie,' Manon says, 'as are symbols. Never forget that. The power of change can come not just by force, but by speech or a peaceful marching crowd.'
I loved Manon Tussaud. She was stern but incredibly patient and despite how abrasive Celie could be. She came to love the young orphan as her own child. I would have loved to have seen more interaction with the wax museum itself as it was such a big part of Manon's life.
Madame Tussaud's Apprentice was a fantastic read that will appeal to both young adult historical readers and those with a pendence towards the French revolution. Wonderfully written, it was a vivid tale depicting the Reign of Terror. Passionate, brutal and engaging. I loved it.