P. D. James is the reigning mistress of murder. -- Time Private detective Cordelia Gray is invited to the sunlit island of Courcy to protect the vainly beautiful actress Clarissa Lisle from veiled threats on her life. Within the rose red walls of a fairy-tale castle, she finds the stage is set for death. Richly intricate and literate, James's second Cordelia Gray mystery shows James at the height of her story telling powers (San Francisco Chronicle).
- ISBN10 0743222059
- ISBN13 9780743222051
- Publish Date 28 August 2001 (first published 17 April 2001)
- Publish Status Out of Stock
- Out of Print 20 December 2010
- Publish Country US
- Imprint Simon & Schuster
- Format Hardcover
- Pages 352
- Language English