A gorgeous book all the way around with beautiful photography, brightly coloured backgrounds and eye-catching layouts. The information regarding growing tomatoes is solid but will appeal more towards those amateur growers who want to expand into breeding their own tomato plants. There's plenty of good information for rank beginners too, but the bulk of the book talks about breeding and how anyone (with patience and space) can do it.
My disappointment with the book was small: I had been hoping for more information about what tomato plants should look like towards the end of the season because mine always look bedraggled beyond belief and I want to know if that's normal or if my plants are getting diseased. There is a good section on diseases here, but it could have been beefed up with photo examples of what the affected plants look like: most lacked any photos at all and descriptions only go so far.
I picked up a lot of good information though and I'm already looking forward to next spring and the chance to try out new techniques, new ideas and new tomatoes.