Written on Aug 18, 2018
I admit it, I’m a wee bit of an impatient reader. There was a smile at the end of reading Until We’re More, and I’m happy that it all worked out hunky-dory in the end. I just don’t want to wait for at least half a book for things to happen. Sure, I don’t want the *I LOVE YOU* after the first meeting or hookup. But, please, don’t make me watch him contemplate a hookup to get her out of his head. Or, see her date someone else because she’s convinced he can’t look at her as anything more than a platonic friend. All the while admitting to themselves that they want More...
There was this selfish immaturity that made it hard for me to identify the age of the main characters. Chelsea is young (I’m guessing) and new in the marketing world but already thinks she should be entitled to a managerial position. Her personality alone doesn’t help her cause as she’s easily manipulated and weak at standing up for herself. She decides she needs some coaching to be stronger and with a few chats with friends…voila…she’s confident. A meeting, some steely eye-holding and one forceful speech, she’s on her way to success.
(Please give me a moment for my eyes to stop rolling...)
Then we have Liam and his quest to win a championship MMA belt. He’s completely convinced that winning will solve ALL the problems in his world. Chelsea is a distraction that he just can’t do right now, so he must push away the feelings and need for her to be in his orbit. All along I felt like Liam just needed to step back from the picture and look at everything. It wouldn’t have taken him as long as it did to work out Chelsea made him happier. As Liam's brother pointed out, he can't fight without a heart.
I would have liked Until We’re More a lot more if it didn’t take these knuckleheads more than half the book to admit to their feelings. It wasn’t like they were teenagers (I’m guessing) and navigating their first romances, they were adults (I’m guessing) and had some (admittedly, only a little) experience.
This was my first story by Cindi Madsen and it wasn’t bad. Yes, I’m not a fan of the drawn-out start to a relationship but I know a lot of other readers thrive on the angst. Don’t judge by my review alone, you may find out that Until We’re More is the perfect angsty love story for you. I’m sure there are plenty of readers who will love meeting the hot fighter and his sweet and nerdy book-lover.
Stacey is Sassy, received an advanced copy of this story. The copy provided is not the final copy and may be subject to edits and changes.