This was super informative and fun, and also, so very pretty. If learning about some badass ladies from the days of yore is your thing, then I definitely think this book will be a win. I wasn't sure how I'd feel about the format, but the graphic novel was actually kind of perfect? Obviously, it didn't go in depth about any one woman; that wasn't the point of the book. There was a great introduction and great facts about so many women, many of whom I'd love to research more later.
Also, the illustrations are some of the most beautiful and mesmerizing I've ever seen in a book. The way the women and their various cultures and achievements were drawn, the use of color, it was all just gorgeous (**pictures in blog post**)
Bottom Line: I just adored reading this book, learning about some awesome women that I may have otherwise never stumbled upon. Also, my eyes are happy that I looked at these pictures.
*Copy provided for review