Written on Dec 10, 2017
Due out 6th February, 2018 by Gabri Joy Kirkendall & Jaclyn Escalera, Hand Lettering is bundled as a set including a project book, markers, and drawing pencil. The bundle is produced by adult coloring book and art publisher Thunder Bay Press.
This book is very short (64 pages) and what text there is is written in a friendly informal encouraging style. After an oddly involved calligraphy element and illustrated history of writing (appealing, but which took up roughly 10% of the page content), the 10 styles included in the book are presented: Art deco, 'coastal', cubism, garamond, Parisian, mid-century modern, retro, southwestern, and tribal.
Each of the 10 styles is covered with approximately 2 pages each along with a sidebar of 'defining characteristics'. The pages include many examples, and though there aren't any step by step tutorials, there are a number of tips and hints along the way.
The last half of the book includes some tutorial info about special effects, techniques, flourishes, 3D marker techniques, a few project inspirations such as a lettered and drawn illuminated capital, pen and ink scene with lettering, letters with floral and object embellishments, negative space and uses and placement in curved or oddly shaped forms.
At the very end of the book are a couple pages with further inspiration for using brush pens, found objects, cut paper, gouache and metallics, etc.
I received an early galley copy of the project book, so I cannot comment on the quality or colors of the art set which will be bundled with the book. The book itself is accessible to beginners and encouraging and fun. More experienced crafters or calligraphers will perhaps not find much to challenge them.
Bundle price, according to B&N is $15.59, of course subject to change before release.
Three and a half stars
Disclosure: I received an ARC at no cost from the author/publisher.