Written on Dec 16, 2020
I have seen Mel’s books around and I bought this one a long time ago and now I need to pick up the next book in Hero’s series. (Epic name by the way!)
This book is not for the faint-hearted, it is brutal and it is dark and did I say brutal. I loved it if you can love it. A look at gang wars, which are as every bit grim as you can imagine. An absolutely savage act of violence at the beginning of the book sets the tone for the book.
It really was a heartbreaking way to open a story and I felt so upset by the tragedy that I wanted to go out and pound the streets. There was so much anger after reading these words. After this act of violence, it doesn’t relent. In fact, a new player comes out to play. Between the turf wars and their aggression and this new player, like Hero your head will be scratching wondering how this will all end. No one will go near the Krull gang and I mean no one. That was a hard one to swallow as Hero and his team had very little support in trying to get to the gang but was still being hounded for results.
I feel like the clues were there for me for to easily guess who this new player was but I wasn’t quick on the uptake, plus with Mel’s writing skills she knows how to lead you down that garden path. This path was dark and then some but I enjoyed every minute of this remorseless book. She makes no apologies for her story and why should she. The characters took their own destiny and the story played out down to how they led their lives.
It was shocking but thoroughly enjoyable and I will be back for more that is for sure!