Written on Oct 20, 2009
Another book that I found while looking around the Arlington Public Library was drom Dr. Harvey Karp, the Happiest Toddler on the Block. This reminded me of a suggestion when AppleBlossom was born to read, "The Happiest Baby on the Block", so through inter-library loan I requested it. It came in two days later and I was able to jump right in. Well, honestly I was disappointed. I felt like the things mentioned were basically common sense and nothing I was not already doing. The other downer, which I guess is my own fault is that this book is really for the first three months of baby's postpartum life (or the fourth trimester) of which we are two weeks from being over. So, had I read this prior to AppleBlossom's birth, or immediately after it would have been interesting and probably helpful. I'm sure most of these things I found by trial and error and it could have saved me time. So, in this case, it may be a great book for someone to read, if they get it at the right time.