Written on Jun 24, 2020
Antigonus the One-Eyed is a comprehensive scholarly look at one of the generals who succeeded Alexander the Great on his death in 323BCE. Originally published in Great Britain in 2014 this reformat and re-release from Pen & Sword 13th May 2020 it's 256 pages and is available in paperback and ebook formats. (Earlier editions available in hardcover format).
The author writes accessibly but meticulously, and builds up the necessary background context for the compelling history of the time and manages to humanize the major players despite the intervening millenia. The author uses a chronological chapter format, starting with Macedonia of the period, through the Alexandrian period, Antigonus' rise and solidification of power, then through the successor war and battles which followed Alexander's death.
The book is meticulously annotated throughout. The author has cited period and later scholarly research to support the narrative. There are 5 appendices as well as copious chapter notes, an exhaustive bibliography, maps, photos (of period artifacts) and a cross referenced index.
The author has a casual academic style of writing; accessible and careful, with proper annotation, but not overly convoluted or impenetrably difficult to read. My only quibble with the editing is that no fewer than 7 places in the text, the author uses "infer" when he clearly means "imply". There were a few other similar errors, but nothing truly egregious.
This would be a great selection for fans of military history, as well as a superlative support text for related academic studies on the time period.
Four stars.
Disclosure: I received an ARC at no cost from the author/publisher for review purposes.