Written on Aug 28, 2016
What I liked:
I really liked Eden. She was closed off, but she became more open. She should have been afraid to take chances, but she didn't. Instead, she analyzed and reflected on each situation, and made choices based on reason versus emotions. She had a lot of things working against her, and could be bitter, but she chose to focus on the positives in her life, and forge ahead.
Eden had some very special relationships. I really liked Mundy and her family. They gave a special sort of support to Eden, and Mundy took her out of her comfort zone, which helped her grow. Thank goodness Day gave her Marlene. It was reassuring to know Eden had someone in her corner, and Marlene came to her aid over and over again. I never doubted their relationship.
We also had some diversity in this book. We had the contrast of socioeconomic status, as well as different religions and ethnicities.
What I didn't like:
Although there was diversity, I felt like it was surface deep. None of these circumstances were really explored, and thus the characters were also left underdeveloped.
Overall, this was a fine read. I felt some sort of attachment to Eden, and wanted everything to work out for her, but found myself more concerned about her relationship with Mundy than Ash. I feel like if Day had revealed more of Ash, curated his character a little more, I may have cared more.