Written on Mar 8, 2020
The Spirit: An 80th Anniversary Celebration is a new reprint collection of 8 weekly inserts (8 pages each) + an origin story + short art gallery with the iconic Spirit by comics legend Will Eisner. Due out 10th March 2020 from Clover Press (and Diamond distributing), it's 80 pages and will be available in paperback and ebook (comiXology) formats.
The stories in the collection are a mixed bag...traditional Spirit stories where the bad guy gets what's coming to him, philosophical musings, and a couple of fourth wall breaking unclassifiable pieces where Eisner has a cameo in the actual story and the Spirit doesn't make (much of) an appearance. The real value for me is the expert introduction and commentary by industry professionals and fellow artists which accompany every story (along with a nice but short retrospective history by Denis Kitchen).
It's nice to see these stories being re-released for potential fans to appreciate and seek out more of Eisner's (or the commentators') oeuvre.
Four stars.
Disclosure: I received an ARC at no cost from the author/publisher for review purposes.