Written on Jul 1, 2012
Full review here: http://wyvernfriendknits.blogspot.ie/2012/07/knitters-home-companion-review.html
This is more a book about knitters than knitting. I found it quite a quick read and while it's not really the kind of book I would add to my collection it's a book I would have happily read from the library.
There are several patterns in the book but they are more background than foreground. There are also recipes and book suggestions included in the book. I was actually surprised when I saw how many patterns there were in the book because they didn't really make as much an impact as the text and story of Michelle Edwards' life and experience with knitting. It falls into the same category as some of Elizabeth Zimmermann or The Yarn Harlot's books, only in Michelle's own style.
It's an interesting read and an interesting look into a life with fibre.