Quirky Cat
Written on Mar 7, 2020
The Mythics: Heroes Reborn is a new comic series following six young heroes and their fight to save the world. As with any classic grouping of heroes, each and every one of them has their own backstory and set of talents or powers.
One day, they were ordinary kids. Well, mostly. The next day, they were pulled from those worlds and forced into becoming heroes. Now? They're determined to save the world, and it's all thanks to the fact that they've been transformed into something more.
They're set to go up against villains traipsing around the world as gods, and we all know exactly how dangerous that sort of adventure can be. But to do anything else would be to give up on the world. Something these six will never be willing to do.
I should mention that this series is specifically being targeted towards a younger audience. That fact is made clear through the main characters and art style. It's fun and light and is perfect for anybody slightly younger, but still desperately wanting to get into comics.
The Mythics: Heroes Reborn is everything it promises. It is a dramatic origin story, showing off six new heroes with everything they have to offer. I know it's targeted towards a younger audience, but I personally think that is great – and I hope it finds its audience.
This first volume introduces the core of the plot; the enemies they're up against, as well as the setting in general. It also introduces three of the six heroes that will become the main focus. I actually adore that they split up the introductions, and are going to take the time to let us get to know them all individually. I actually wouldn't have minded it if they spread out the introductions even more, giving us a chance to truly know the heroes before moving on. But I'll take what I can get!
I adore that each character is coming from a different part of the world. It's allowing for a massive variety in the characters, backstories, and perspective they have to offer. It's also a really nice touch, especially when trying to reach a wider and younger audience. I hope it works out well for them.
This series is already looking to be perfect for any kid (or teenager and up) that loves fantasy, science fiction, or action. Because this series has a little bit of all of that, and then some. I'm looking forward to seeing what they come out with next.
Check out more reviews over at Quirky Cat's Fat Stacks