Nadz@Totally Addicted to Reading
Written on Sep 15, 2016
This story had everything to keep me entertained. It had drama, romance, and suspense. It reads like your typical soap opera which I know will please fans of nighttime drama. There was scandal, deceit, and blackmail. In the midst of all of this, there was a message that is pertinent to us as individuals.
This story is a strong reminder of the chaos that can disrupt our lives when we refuse to pay attention to red flags that serve as a warning of the dangers we face. We ignore them and hope that things will go the way that we want them to. Life is all about choices. Every event in our lives occurs as a result of choices made. Not all choices made will lead us down the right path, however, there is always hope. We may not be able to correct the mistakes as a result of those choices, but we can pull the emergency brake, stop and re-think our actions and take a different route. The new route will not be smooth, but in the end, it will work out.
Jezebel found herself caught up in similar circumstances. At first, I was peeved at her actions, but then it dawned on me that there were times when I was no different from her. It was then I realised I could not blame her for choosing to travel that road. I also realised that it was her desire to see the best in everyone that helped to shape most of her decisions. How could I be angry at her after that revelation? What I admired most about her is her willingness to accept responsibility for her actions. She knew she made poor choices, but she did not blame anyone but herself. She recognized that it was her choices that led her to the point where she was now at.
The secondary characters were a treat. I doubt the story would be what it was without them. There were those I liked, those that rubbed me the wrong way and those that I loved to hate. Kirk was a prime example of a character that rubbed me the wrong way. At first, I did like him, but as the story progressed that feeling of like slowly turned to dislike. I am sorry I have to say this, but he was a total jerk. Then there was his soon to be ex-wife. OMG! She was in a class of her own. Frankly, I thought she stole the story. She is a prime example of the character that I loved to hate. She was the greatest manipulator. Seriously, I thought the name Jezebel would have been more suited for her.
The story was well written. This is my second time reading this author’s work and I loved it on both occasions. My suggestion to you is, go and get a copy of this book. You need to read this book. You will not be disappointed.