Written on May 2, 2020
Grow Great Vegetables in Texas is a regionally tailored home gardening guide for producing vegetables for taste and nutrition and to increase self-reliance and food security. This is one of a series of regionally specific guides released by Timber press. Written by Trisha Shirey, it's 244 pages and will be available in paperback and ebook formats.
This guide is arranged by seasons with a chapter for each month. The introductory chapter (~13% of the page content) covers garden planning, climates and subzones in Texas, as well as a very general gardening introduction.
The monthly sections include tasks for each month, potential problems and troubleshooting, planning and placement of the garden plot, harvesting and more.
The third section of the book is a regional guide to choosing vegetables and varieties which will thrive in your area.
There's a resource list (slanted to readers in the southwest region), a bibliography and further reading list, USDA based hardiness zonal map, and an index. The photography is crisp, clear, and abundant. This is a well crafted book which will provide gardeners with hours of blissful dreaming as well as serving as a valuable troubleshooting guide.
Five stars. Very well done.
Disclosure: I received an ARC at no cost from the author/publisher for review purposes