Emma (SCR)
Written on Oct 20, 2019
I have to say while I enjoyed the first book I LOVED this one. You could read them as standalones but you would miss some of the back story for Rachel. Most of this is covered in this book but you might not get as much of a feel for who Rachel is. The more I learn about Rachel the more I like her. She is a strong woman but she's also holding a lot of guilt. She's an excellent detective and has very good instincts.
Rachel stumbles on this case has it involves her friend's husband. What seems like a traffic accident soon becomes a lot more. This case has a lot of parts and at the beginning, it was hard to see how they would all come together. There seemed to be a lot of moving parts and it took a few chapters for things to all come together.
I was hooked pretty early on. I really enjoyed the writing style and I kept turning page after page because while I had a feeling what was going to happen I just needed to know I was right. The story is quite heartbreaking and some of the characters are downright vile. I also felt sorry for those that got caught up in all. This really showed how peer pressure can have some devastating consequences.
As well as the case Rachel had her personal life to contend with. Rachel has been dating Tim for a few months now. The more I see of Tim the more suspicious I am. There's something about him that does not sit right with me. The ending of this book is perfectly set up for what I hope will be the next story and I am now eagerly awaiting this!