This is tale of the last days of Fleet Street - an expose of the double standards, hypocrisy, lying, cheating and back stabbing at the heart of Britain's public life, by a man who saw it first-hand. Twice editor of "The Daily Mirror", Richard Stott held five editorships in 12 years - a record - and is one of Rupert Murdoch's "three best editors". In a story of political and royal intrigue, he tells of how he restored the paper's image in the wake of Robert Maxwell's death and how he exposed the lies and cover-up of Prince Charles'...Read more
This is tale of the last days of Fleet Street - an expose of the double standards, hypocrisy, lying, cheating and back stabbing at the heart of Britain's public life, by a man who saw it first-hand. Twice editor of "The Daily Mirror", Richard Stott held five editorships in 12 years - a record - and is one of Rupert Murdoch's "three best editors". In a story of political and royal intrigue, he tells of how he restored the paper's image in the wake of Robert Maxwell's death and how he exposed the lies and cover-up of Prince Charles' affair with Camilla Parker-Bowles. Threatened with prison on more than one occasion, this story is takes no prisoners and is told from the top of the newspaper mountain.
- ISBN10 1843580403
- ISBN13 9781843580409
- Publish Date 20 August 2002
- Publish Status Out of Print
- Out of Print 5 August 2007
- Publish Country GB
- Publisher John Blake Publishing Ltd
- Imprint Metro Books, London
- Edition Illustrated edition
- Format Hardcover
- Pages 256
- Language English