Written on Sep 10, 2015
Originally posted on Creative Madness Mama
Originally published in 1996, now refreshed with a gorgeous new cover for 2012!
Read from June 08 to 09, 2012 — I own a copy
Reading the slight description blurb for this book does not even begin to touch on what all is inside. This Creative Madness Mama had the God-timing to accidentally pick this book up after a very frustrating disagreement with the Enginerd. This edition is a reprint with a gorgeous new cover (also just reprinted The Atonement Child). As a person that loves matching book spines, seeing these new ones makes me really happy. Now back to the book... Asking now memory does not even begin to recall what the argument was about, but fury would best describe emotions present. This book and it's story is a God-send.
Characters through out this book are found in two different settings, one is contemporary (although written for 1996, everything still works well and fits as if it were 2012) and the other is historical in the time of Oregon Trail and heading west. With a combination of view points from sidelines to inside emotions and even a journal readers are kept captive from page one. This reader was not even planning to read this one yet as it just arrived and is not quite scheduled, but upon picking it up it became an impossibility to put it down until the wee hours of the morning and sleep demanded it. Even at around five hundred pages, this was read pretty quickly.
Into the heart, into the mind and soul this is a great read. I recommend it for anyone married or planning to get married. That's what this is about overall, marriage. Marriage between the love of your life and in the end the inclusion of God within that triune marriage. It's about a new marriage, an older marriage, a broken marriage, a fixed marriage and many things that influence a marriage in between. Filled with scripture and a friend, but not what some call overly preachy this book appeals.
Other Reviews:
Marta's Legacy Saga:
Her Mother's Hope
Her Daughter's Dream
Read an excerpt.
This review was originally posted on Creative Madness Mama