Written on Jan 5, 2020
Most importantly, there's the attitude.
There's one story about a woman who was very upset with her hair at the funeral of her father. More so, the author talks about loss of hair at the chemo as the most important thing that's going to happen when you have a cancer. No, it's not, you will be constantly sick and the hair will be the last thing you will cry about. Plus what's wrong with those people claiming curly people (girls, women) who embrace their curls are more spontaneous and successful in their life? Like, hell yes, it's awesome when you understand your hair and manage to taim it, but it's not your whole life, for god's sake.
Otherwise, thank you for this handbook, I can imagine lots of curly people would appreciate it, maybe even most of them (I won't claim that every curly person would, since I don't believe this unlike the author) and as for me, I got some useful advice I was looking for, I can understand now why curly society claims it's better to read this and then start searching things on the internet.