Written on Apr 30, 2016
Lana and the Laird is the third book in a series, and it definitely feels that way---but it's not necessarily a bad thing. It's just obvious that Lana's sisters have their own stories. I'd be willing to read them... but Lana. And the laird.
Lachlan believes he's cursed and won't live to see his 30th birthday. And it's not just a case of repeating his 29th, if you know what I mean. He's being haunted by the ghost of his father, who urges him to restore the family castle before he's no longer on this earth. So he does, by a very stupid method.
Some of the treachery with Lachlan and his various barons and whatnot was... obvious. To the point that it wasn't really a surprise who was doing what. Which may or may not be an issue for you. It usually had me reading a bit faster through those parts.
And then there's Lana. Lana's pretty adventurous for a virgin in the early 1800s... but give the girl credit for knowing what she wants. There's an element of the paranormal here with Lana being able to see ghosts, which seemed more relevant in the beginning than in the end, though it gave her something in common with Lachlan.
It was nice to see Lachlan's personal growth. Having grown up in London, not the Highlands, he's unfamiliar with the customs and the land. Good thing Lana and her brother-in-law are there to educate him. Lana gets him to don a kilt (because kilts) and her brother-in-law schools him in how to be laird. (Essentially.)
Lana and the Laird is a good book, but wasn't a great one. It didn't pull me in the way that I normally like, but it's still a solid book, and one that many historical romance lovers will enjoy.