Set during the devastating tsunami of 2004, MAMA is the touching true story of a baby hippo that was separated from his mother when the wave hit. After struggling alone for several days, the baby was rescued by Kenyan wildlife officers and brought to live in an animal refuge. There, all by himself, he adopted a new "mother"--that just happened to be a 130-year-old giant male tortoise. And they've been inseparable ever since.Although MAMA takes place against the backdrop of a terrible human tragedy, at the heart of this story is a moving and original tale of adoption--and of finding love and companionship in the least likely of circumstances.
Includes an author's note.
- ISBN10 0152054952
- ISBN13 9780152054953
- Publish Date 1 April 2006
- Publish Status Out of Print
- Out of Print 30 September 2014
- Publish Country US
- Imprint Harcourt Children's Books
- Format Hardcover
- Pages 32
- Language English