I really like quotes and inspirational words, so when I heard about Start Your Day With Katie by Katie Piper, I was really eager to read it. But this is more than just a book of affirmations.
On the surface, it's similar to 365 Days of Wonder by R. J. Palacio, which I loved; a page a day with something inspirational to read. Some of the affirmations are a little longer than expected and maybe not quite so poetic, but something to really take in and think on.
But what makes this book a little more powerful is that these are affirmations Piper herself used on her road to recovery. It's a little, tiny glimpse into her life after her acid attack, and how she got through each day. I'm sure her autobiographies would give you a bigger picture and may even be more inspirational, but there's a feeling of Piper giving this to us, sharing some advice, as if, on every page, she's saying "this worked for me, I hope they work for you too," - which her introduction makes pretty clear. It's a book, it's on sale, and there will be lots of copies in lots of shops, but when reading, it feels like Piper is talking to me specifically; they're "just" affirmations, but Piper reaches in and talks to your heart. I don't know if it's her story or if it's the affirmations themselves, but this book really spoke to me, and made me feel a little more hopeful.
As well as affirmations each day, Piper starts each month with a mantra, a few sentences to memorise and think back on throughout the month when things get a little tough. There a number of affirmations that have particular meaning to Piper, or dates that are quite important to her, so underneath these affirmations, Piper gives an explanation of how these affirmations are or were especially helpful to her. It's that added extra. She's not just complied affirmations and had them bound in a pretty book, she's sharing a piece of her history with us, showing us just how helpful she found affirmations, and in doing so, showing us the different ways they could be helpful to us.
Start Your Day With Katie feels like the kind of book that would be useful for, or is aimed at those recovering from some ordeal; whether it be something horrific like an attack like Piper, a health problem, or someone suffering with grief. There is very much a feel that the affirmations are to help those who have suffered, to remind them of their strength and to help them move on. It also has a feel that it would be good for entrepreneurs, or those who have personal projects. There are a few affirmations that are about progressing, and moving forward and past obstacles, and if you have a mammoth task ahead of you, I can see this book being something inspiring and motivating, something to help you get moving.
Affirmations might not be everyone's bag, and Piper isn't claiming they will, or that they will solve everyone's problems. She's written this book for those who need it, who might find it helpful. And I really think it's something people will love. If you're going through a hard time, it's going to be awesome to think that someone like Piper is cheering you on as you make your way through, and it genuinely feels like she is; she might not know each individual that needs this book, but she's hoping and rooting for them. A really awesome book, and one I'm sure many will find uplifting and empowering.
Thank you to Quercus for the review copy.