Beth C.
Written on Nov 23, 2014
As one who has been both active duty and a spouse, I can relate to both sides of the equation. Quite frankly, I have been in favor of a mandatory 2-3 year tour of duty for some years now precisely because of these issues. It was a sense of both hope and curiosity that compelled me to purchase this book, along with a feeling of dread in case it wasn't what was promised. It was, and more.
The people in this book are not singular in what they have done - there are thousands more like them serving in our armed forces. They have courage, commitment, and the ability to think on their feet. They are strong, compassionate and adaptable. Above all, they are the few doing a job that far too few are willing to do.
It's nice to hear appreciation for service - but it's better to see someone finding a way to show appreciation. Actions speak louder than words - it's been around forever because it's truer than many people like to admit. Read this book. Understand what these folks are really about. And then find a way to do your part for them. Because far too many are falling by the wayside in ways that are preventable.