Written on Jan 14, 2021
But...I really just don’t get the appeal of this book.
Strayed really doesn’t talk about her growth or maturation on the PCT. Instead she fills her books with memories of the bad stuff and seems to always need to fill us in on her sexual desire towards the men she encounters on and off the trail.
Cheryl - I don’t care that you want a man to touch you again. I don’t care that you noticed that a nurse who cared for your dying mother wore his pants a little too tight and you liked it. Tell me more about the trail. Tell me about your connection with nature. Tell me about HOW YOU HAVE MATURED. It’s okay to have friends and want a solid romantic connection with a partner, but come on.
Friends - if you likes this book, what did you find to be appealing and/or inspiring?
DNF - 73%