Written on Sep 23, 2018
You know when you are in for a treat when the opening lines of the book tells you that the narrator is dead. No that is not a spoiler, you are told in the blurb, still seeing words is still equally shocking! How can she be dead, know she is dead but be writing to us? Head spinning yet?
Pippa, well she did a bit of a slap sometimes the silly girl, isolating herself from her friends out of what seemed spite sometimes, all because of Ryan. I mean why would you invite this door-to-door salesman in your house and give him a glass of a wine, and he has a shower I mean WTF! Run and run bloody fast, what are you doing *face palm*.
God Ryan was just one creepy messed up guy! Nervous when he might make an appearance and disrupt Pippa and her life! He is in proper stalker mode, in his head never the stalker because apparently he has the green light from Pippa.
Ms Lynes writing was damn right chilling, telling a story from the point of view of Pippa and occasionally Ryan, through Pippa’s journal, blog post and Ryan’s dictaphone recordings. Seeing things completely different, the unreliable narrator that we all love.
The story of obsession and self-worth comes in heavily here. Ryan believing he owns Pippa and all the time Pippa justifying her worth and her life. Always trying to make out she was better and happier than she really was, constantly proving herself to her best friend Marlene.
I felt for Marlene I think the most, such an innocent person in all of this! To be dragged into the mess Pippa created, in my opinion was just not fair. (Yes, I sound petulant here!)
The twists and turns keep you going in this book, and even though you know the apparent end, it is still all too shocking and frightening with the realistic elements in the story.
I loved the setting of Wiltshire, as I lived there a few years ago, right next to Salisbury plains, I could picture the areas spoken about clearly and it is picturesque as it was described, just stay away from Tidworth! (I can say that I lived there! Lol)
I think this is definitely a book I would recommend to everyone by jove, it turns the pages so quickly you might get a paper cut if you are reading an actual book, thankfully I had a kindle so I was safe lol. It is definitely a book where you tell yourself one more chapter, just one more chapter…..that does not happen!
Hands up to being a broken record, but I need to get more books by Ms. Lynes on my list and get them read, talking about sucking me, spinning me upside down and spitting me out when she was done. Excuse me I think I need a drink……