Written on Sep 18, 2014
I absolutely adored Popular. I knew it was going to be fun, but I didn't expect it to make me cry! Seriously. Maya's story is so touching, and I felt like I was right there with her at the end. I just could not contain my emotions at her discoveries about herself and those around her. Each month of the school year, Maya would employ the advice given by Betty Cornell in her guide on how to become popular. She starts with the easy stuff first, changing her hair and eating habits. Soon she's trying out makeup, wearing pantyhose and a girdle, then finally she expands her social circle. Yes, some of Betty's tips were completely outdated, but Maya follows it all with grace and humor, despite some negative reactions from her classmates. But she was no longer invisible; people knew who she was, and slowly, but surely Maya noticed others making changes in their own relationships.
I don't want to give too much away. Popular is one book that you really need to experience for yourself. Maya is a wonderful narrator, and I loved how upfront and honest she was about her experiment and her life. No matter how embarrassing or personal, Maya lets us in on every step of her journey from quiet geek to the life of the party (or the 8th grad prom!). There are moments where her journey hits some extremely awkward and even sad moments that feel straight out of fiction, but this is her real life! I'm so happy that I decided to pick up Popular, and definitely think you should too if you're into quirky Non-Fiction, or even Contemporary YA.
Read more of my reviews at Pinkindle Reads & Reviews.