Written on Nov 21, 2019
So, I'll begin with my thoughts on the show since I saw that before reading the book.
To keep it short, there wasn't much that I didn't like about the show. Billie Piper was marvelous in the leading role. She's charming, she's funny, she's witty. Nailed it.
Throughout the four seasons, we also get a bunch of famous guest stars which is intriguing but certainly not the main thing that kept me interested in the show.
What fascinated me was the approach towards the topic. The honesty with which her life was presented. It's nothing dirty or shameful, it's her job. It's simply interesting to get to peek behind a curtain you usually wouldn't. So, when I picked up the book, that's what I expected more of.
Well, Belle and I had some trouble getting started.
The real Belle's vibe was somewhat different than the one Billie Piper had on the show. That was a little irritating and it took me a while to get used to that.
While Belle is certainly a smart woman she didn't exude the same charm as in the show and I had trouble warming up to her. Her humor also comes across differently, but after a few chapters, I got into that.
There was, however, one thing I couldn't get into. For my taste, Belle kept complaining too much about her private relationships. That was not only annoying but at times a little delusional.
In all honesty, Belle isn't the kind of person I would want to be friends with. I had trouble relating to anything she said and kept rolling my eyes for a good portion of the book.
By the way, as the title says, this is a dairy. So don't expect any coherence or narration. It's just weird bits and pieces of her life. Just in case you were expecting something different, you were warned.