Nadz@Totally Addicted to Reading
Written on Nov 6, 2016
The story had potential, however I had difficulty connecting with it as well as with the characters. I figured that this was due mostly in part to the fact that this is a part of a series. The story appears to be unrelated to the other books in the series, however it is clear that for one to know the characters, the previous books in the series would have to be read prior to this. Failure to do so will leave you feeling lost and confused, like I was. Out of all the characters, Nick was the only one I felt I had a connection with. Why? This was his first appearance in the series and there was sufficient information about him for me to feel empathy towards him. I understood what drove him.
I found the dialogue boring at times. I thought it was too wordy. The author took awhile to get his point across. It was like taking a 10k walk when a car would have gotten you much quicker to your destination. As a result by the time I got to the parts of the story that would appear exciting my interest waned.